Returning to the Kansas Oil Museum on Tuesday night, October 18, former director Bill Galvani will present the results of his research into two of Butler County’s prominent historic citizens. While directing the museum from 1981 to 1990, Bill became intrigued by the many accomplishments of Robert H. and Isabella Bradford Hazlett, who lived in El Dorado from 1885 to 1936. Now that he is retired from his career as a museum professional, he has found time to do the in-depth research that he feels these two deserve. He is pleased to have this opportunity to talk about their lives and contributions to the community.
In the 1920s and 1930s Robert Hazlett was recognized as the premier cattle breeder of pure-bred Herefords in the United States. His Hazford Place ranch was located near the intersection of today’s McCollum Road and Highway 77, north of El Dorado High School. The Hazlett home was at 115 South Washington, not far from Bradford Memorial Library, which bears the family name of Mrs. Hazlett and her nephew Robert Hazlett Bradford.
Bill says of his upcoming visit to the Oil Museum and to El Dorado, “There is no substitute for putting myself back in the town that was home for the Hazletts for most of their productive lives. The terrific museum library contains resources not available anywhere else. Also, I’m anxious to visit with folks who may have stories passed down from elderly grandparents who may have known the Hazletts as friends and neighbors.”