Kansas Oil Museum Field Trip Scholarship

Preserving the past and paving the way of the future.

Thank you for your interest in the Kansas Oil Museum Field Trip Scholarship. This fund is solely sponsored by the members and businesses of Butler County. These amazing sponsors want to reward teachers and students for all their hard work throughout the school year with a paid admissions trip to the museum. Find out below to see if you qualify, how to become a sponsor and see those that have sponsored.

  • School Qualifications

    1. Must be a school in Butler County.

    2. Provide a thank you card/letter AND a group picture that will be given to your sponsor. Both of these items may be sent to the museum and then we will forward them to the sponsor.

    One scholarship per classroom. Please remember the scholarship is for teachers, students and paraprofessionals. Parents and anyone else attending must pay upon arrival.

    School application must be filled out and returned no later than 1 week before scheduled visit.

    Please call 316-321-9333 or email jennifer@kansasoilmuseum.org for an application.

  • Become A Sponsor

    If you would like to sponsor a class we would greatly appreciate $200 per field trip with no limit on the number of classes you may sponsor. We are a 501(C)3 tax exempt entity and will send out a letter once we receive your sponsorship. Please send your check to:

    Kansas Oil Museum

    Attn: Jennifer Huffman

    383 E. Central

    El Dorado, KS 67042

  • Sponsors

    A BIG thank you to the following sponsors of Butler County. Without you none of this would be possible!

    Please come back and see our sponsors as it continues to grow:

    Barton Solvents

    BrewCo Coffeehouse and Dilly Deli

    Buckeye Corporation

    ConFab, Inc.

    Jim’s Propane

    Michael Garman

    Security Oil

    Shaw's Pest Control

    Sundgren Realty