Join us at the Kansas Oil Museum/Butler County Historical Society for this FREE Speaker Series Event with Jim Gray, The Cowboy.
From the mesquite covered range of south Texas to the railroad corrals of Kansas, handling wild longhorn cattle required knowhow with a good bit of nerve. Follow the cowboy up the cattle trail as he practices his craft using the tools of his trade.
Pushin' Horns is a snapshot of the everyday life of 19th-century cowboys (drovers), from gathering wild cattle to the delivery of the cattle at the Kansas railheads. Developing "cow sense", understanding cattle behavior, and skill in the saddle were paramount.
Throughout his life, Gray has collected the stories and lived the life, gaining intimate knowledge of cowboy life on the cattle trails to Kansas and beyond. The Cowboy's presentation is sure to put flesh and blood onto the bones of old trail stories; buried but not forgotten.